For most households, it is now appropriate to choose the option of heat storage when choosing a fireplace. Heat accumulation will improve your comfort especially by reducing the surface temperature of the appliance and prolonging the heat radiation time.
Most of our products can be supplemented with storage mass in the form of bricks. These are mounted by hooks directly to the appliance body under the outer wall.
Accumulation stones THORMA
For higher fireplaces, a higher number of U-shaped rings or bricks can be inserted around the flue. The storage material naturally extracts the heat from the flue and increases the efficiency of the appliance.
Here is an example of storing 10 pieces of storage rings with a weight of 53 kg.
DELIA with accumulation rings
Here is an example of installing the storage stones.
ANDORRA accumulcation instalation
Four side storage stones are installed on the side. These are sold as one set (4 pieces per pack) under the article number F9489510010. On selected models it is possible to install accumulation rings that are sold under number F9489500010. The weight of one side stone is 4.8 kg and the weight of the whole ring is 10.6.
Instead of the rings, a U-shaped accumulation stones can also be used
and especially suited for lining the flue. The U-shaped accumulation stone can be ordered by number F9489530060 and is packed in 2 pieces. Each weighs 7.8 kg.
U-shaped accumulation stone installed in DELIA fireplace